It is advised that you first give us with drawings of the workpiece to be processed for assessment. If you have any other requirements, please contact us first so that we can plan the finest broaching machine for you.

In theory, most metals may be treated; however, the material of the processed item should not exceed HRC25, since this would significantly reduce the broach’s useful life.

Making changes to the broaching machine takes between 90 and 150 days, depending on how complicated the machine is.
The same goes for broaching, which takes 45 to 90 days.

Basically, a broaching machine is pretty easy to use, but how it works depends on how customized it needs to be. Most workers are only in charge of replacing parts of the job.

In the end, it’s up to the customer to decide for themselves. Some people like servo power because it saves energy, is better for the environment, and takes up less room. However, tools and repair parts are expensive.
Every year, hydraulic power needs new products (hydraulic oil) and takes up a lot of space, but the overall cost is low.

The piece of work that will be put through the broaching machine must be of a size that it can handle, no matter how it looks or what size hole it has inside. The goal is for the pin to go all the way through the piece of work so that the processing program is finished.

Learn More:What Is The Main Advantage Of Broaching Over The Shaping Process?

This varies on how it’s used. If the cutting fluid foams, has an odd smell, or is in any other way not good, it needs to be changed. For each type of material, a different cutting fluid is used. To choose the best cutting fluid, you should talk to a nearby oil provider.

Here are the details about the pull-up machine that you should read first. This is the model that leaves the smallest mark on our company. It can be used for digging and part of the pull-down type machine can be put below the ground. You can use our broaching OEM service if none of the above work for you.

A circular broach box can be used with the special machine our company makes for external gears. The cylinder broach holder is a tool barrel that has different external broaches placed inside the body. It can do full circle processing, but it costs a lot.

But it might take 5 or 10 times longer than a broaching machine if the only thing that matters is the size. A lathe, cutting machine, or milling machine might be able to do it. The broach is a unique tool that goes with the broaching machine. The cost of making it is high. It’s better value for money and can be used for mass production. It only takes a short time to finish the processing program. You are the one who needs to judge the difference.

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